Sawbridgeworth Osteopaths


Osteopathy, Paediatric Osteopathy & Physiotherapy,

Infant Feeding Coaching,

Sports Therapy & Sports Massage


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

What is Paediatric Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a gentle treatment suitable for children and babies. As explained by the Osteopathic Centre for Children, "it is the specialism of using gentle osteopathic techniques specifically for treating babies, children, teens and perinatal mums. Variety of osteopathic techniques are used, that are gentle enough for babies and children, providing treatment that’s as individual as the patient.  In young patients, the methods used are nearly always very gentle, but nonetheless powerful, requiring specialist skill and knowledge". Knowledge and skills that our practitioners have undertaken in both the University College of Osteopathy where Lauren graduated with a Postgraduate in Specialist Paediatric Osteopathic Practice and from the European School of Osteopathy where Ryan Bell qualified with his Batchelor's in Osteopathy, with specialisms in Cranial Osteopathy. 

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

As described by the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, "Cranial osteopathy is not different to osteopathy, it is the name given to a subtle and refined approach to osteopathy that follows all the principles of osteopathy, but that includes the anatomy and physiology of the head.

Cranial osteopaths use a highly trained sense of touch to feel subtle changes of tension and tissue quality in the living anatomy of the whole body, and to diagnose areas of strain or dysfunction."

What is Paediatric Physiotherapy?

Paediatric Physiotherapy, or pediatric physical therapy, is a specialised area within physical therapy that focuses on assessing, diagnosing, and treating infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of physical challenges. The goal is to improve their mobility, strength, and overall well-being.

Paediatric Physiotherapists collaborate closely with children and their families to develop individualised treatment plans, which may include exercises, manual therapy, and specialised equipment. They address conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and sports injuries, aiming to optimise physical development and function from a young age.

Paediatric Physiotherapy involves tailored care for children, with the aim of enhancing their physical abilities and quality of life through personalised treatment approaches.

What is Sports Therapy?

Sports therapy is a branch of healthcare which is dedicated to both preventing and rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries to allow the patient to return to their peak health regardless of age or ability. This is achieved through creating a rehabilitation programme tailored to the specific injury of the patient, aiming to reduce pain and the duration of injury. Rehabilitation programmes include a range of treatment methods such as massage, ultrasound, joint mobilisation, strapping and exercises.